Section 1 Tell Us about Your 4-H Experience
Please Select the Responses that Best Describe You
How Many Years Have You Been Participating in 4-H
Which 1 is close to the amount of hours your spend in a 4-H Program of Project a Day
Which of the Following Best Describe how you are Involved in 4H (Programs, Projects,& Activies)>>>Can Choose More than 1 Answer
Section 2: Science
Please Indicate Whether You Agree or Disagree
True or False
As a Result of My Experience in this 4H Program or Project
I can do an experiment to answer a Question
I can teach/tell other how to do an experiemnt
I can explain how a project works and its goal
Section 3
Tell Us about You
Which of the Following Best Describes You?
Which best describes your ethnicity ?
Thank You For Completing this Survey. It is Greatly Appreciated!!!!!!