Do you own at least 10% of this business
Age of Business
Type of Business
Does your business have a code of ethics?
Do circumstances in your industry ever affect your ethics?
Is it OK to bend the rules when it comes to your stakeholders? (insurance, bank, vendors, community, environment)
Is it ok to persuade customers to buy more than they need?
Is it ok to behave ethically in public and do what you want in private?
Is it ok to steal customers from competitors?
Is it ok to steal employees from other companies?
Is it ok to say your company is bigger (has more employees) than it is?
Is it ok to promise clients products or services you don’t currently have?
Is it ok to get around the law without violating it when it comes to government agencies (IRS, EPA, industry-specific regulations)
Is it OK to buy from unethical companies?
Is it OK to ignore privacy regulations when interviewing, hiring, and firing employees?
Is it OK to ignore the rules related to protecting the environment?
Did you answer these questions honestly?