Male or Female?
Where do you live? Country or County if in UK.
How long have you been running?
Do you Parkrun?
What is your favourite distance to run?
Do you belong to Social Media Groups focused on running, ie ukrunchat ?
Which ones?
Do you belong to a running club?
Do you think of other runners as part of a big club?
Do you think running is for everyone?
Do you actively encourage people you know/meet to take up running?
Are you a running bore?
Do you acknowledge other runners when you pass them while training?
Do you see the same people regularly when out on your running routes?
Have you spoken with them and introduced yourself?
Have they introduced themselves to you?
If another runner went to High Five you while you were out would you reciprocate?
Would you initiate a High Five with another runner?
Finally any anecdotes that were formative in your opinion of the sociability of runners?