1) Do you currently ride Citibus?
1c) If yes, do you ride seasonally or year-round?
1f) If no, why don’t you ride?
2) What works well and what doesn’t work well with the current Citibus route system? Please indicate your opinion of Citibus’ existing bus services from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) from the list below.
(Please skip this question if you don’t currently ride Citibus)
1 (Poor)
5 (Excellent)
Service Frequency
Start Time of Service
End Time of Service
Service Area Covered
Overall Safety of Citibus
Convenience of Bus Stops
Travel Time on the Bus
Driver Courtesy
Ease in Planning Trip
Overall Satisfaction
4) This map illustrates 12 different zones created around activity areas within the City of Lubbock. Using the following questions, please note your top three most taken trips/travel patterns currently. Trips may be made by any mode of transportation (personal vehicle, Citibus, walking, biking, etc.).
(Click on the map to enlarge the image)
4a) Most Frequent Travel Pattern: Starting Zone
4b) Most Frequent Travel Pattern: Ending Zone
(For trips within the same zone, please select the same ending zone)
4c) 2nd Most Frequent Travel Pattern: Starting Zone
4d) 2nd Most Frequent Travel Pattern: Ending Zone
(For trips within the same zone, please select the same ending zone)
4e) 3rd Most Frequent Travel Pattern: Starting Zone
4f) 3rd Most Frequent Travel Pattern: Ending Zone
(For trips within the same zone, please select the same ending zone)
6) Do you have a driver's license?
7) Which zone is your home located in? If you live outside the zones, please pick the closest zone to your home.
9) Please provide any additional comments you may have on route changes, service enhancements, and possible service expansions.
10) If you’d like to receive updates about the Citibus Comprehensive Operational Analysis Plan please provide your email address:
(Your email address will remain confidential and will not be shared.)