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A printable version of your survey is now available !

When we started working on SurveyNuts, coming from the experience we had building the HeyCrowd iOS app, our DNA was clearly leaning toward making the best online survey software for all devices, keeping in mind that a huge portion of respondents today take surveys on a mobile or a tablet. Online meant mobile + web.

But as customers started creating their questionnaires on SurveyNuts, I realized that one device was left behind : THE ALMIGHTY PRINTER

Customers wanted it, and here it is : a printable survey creator. For me, it didn't seem like a big deal. I personally don't even own a printer and every time I need to print a document for the company I have to go to my parents' apartment or to some cyber cafe near the post office that charge a ridiculous amount for going 5 minutes on an old & dirty PC and print 4 pages.

So I didn't get it. But then it kept coming. People sending emails to asking if we had a more printable version of our survey because the current one was ugly when printed. Teachers who would create a survey and then never get votes because they don't share their survey link : they just want to print it and distribute to their students. And we even got visitors coming to SurveyNuts after searching on Google for "printable survey software".

Today we have finally launched a printer-friendly version of our surveys. Right after creating your form or questionnaire, and right below your newly set up survey URL, you'll see a button with a link to your printable survey page.

Now we're really on all devices... except the Apple Watch, I'll give you that.
