Do you have any specific and recurring problems with surfing/skiing?
In which parts of the body (try to be as precise as possible, naming, if you know them, also muscles, bones, ligaments, etc., concerned).
feel free to write in your native language
Does surfing/skiing generate specific emotions in you?
What kind of emotions?
Joy, enthusiasm, adrenaline release, serenity, melancholy, depression, are some examples that you can indicate, feel free to express how best you believe and feel free to write in your native languagethe moods generated by surfing : before, during and after practice.
Do you know SHIATSU?
Have you ever received SHIATSU treatments?
Do you think that the balance, not only physical, but also physical/ mental is useful to improve the practice of surfing?
Feel free to indicate more options than the previous question and add more options based on your experience
feel free to write in your native language