Regarding the Electric Grunt, we're likely going to make a major change to his AI; if he's above 50% health, he'll charge towards you and swing in one fluid motion. If he's below 50% health though, he'll run AWAY from you, and fire a much longer electric bolt, which he'll have to take a second or two to charge up energy for. Do these changes sound good to you?
Regarding enemies that react a different way when they see Talia (the Berserker charging, the tall Celodst readying himself to shoot a laser, the Electric Grunt charging towards Talia), would you prefer some sort of visual or audible alert to let you know that they've seen you?
Regarding the gravity flip mechanic, did it feel intuitive/comfortable?
Also regarding the gravity flip mechanic, would you prefer that the up/down arrow actions are flipped too? (Up would make you crouch, down would make you read databanks/flip switches if gravity was reversed)
Regarding the Electric Level music, did you enjoy it/felt it fit the level? (Note that this is an unmastered version, and like the Ice Level, there will be variants based on in-game events)
As always, feel free to let us know what you think on any topic regarding the game, and thanks for supporting us and giving us your feedback!