Was the gravity door mechanic easy to understand/use?
The Spiderbot is definitely too difficult in this update. We plan to make a number of adjustments and change the way the claws work entirely, keeping the challenge, but making it a lot more fair and less spammy. That said, which of these aspects of the spiderbot in particular were what bothered you? (You can pick multiple selections!)
Regarding Talia's Ice Shot, we want to make the projectile fly much faster. Would this be an improvement to you?
We added a few new music tracks this demo (sex #1/#2, databanks, knocked out, stunned, low life). Did you like how they sounded or no?
Originally, we were planning to make enemies have progressively higher HP/damage per level, with the expectation that people would get powerups to balance this out. However, we decided to have it so that enemies wouldn't go up that much in damage/HP, but would have increasingly complex abilities/attacks. This way, the game is still possible even if you don't get all the powerups, and if you do, then you can have fun laying waste to enemies. Does this sound like a good idea/fun to you?
As sort of a "farther into the future" question, there's an enemy that we had planned for the Earth Level that would have a soft vore sex animation (Talia gets swallowed by it, is fucked inside of it with tentacles, then spit out unharmed). Would this bother you or turn you off of the game entirely?
As always, feel free to let us know what you think on any topic regarding the game, and thanks for supporting us and giving us your feedback!