Regarding conveyor belts, if you tried out jumping while running with/against the belts, did it feel good/natural?
You now have to hit the Jumper Bot in the head to damage it; does this feel annoying to you or is it a fair challenge?
The Security Bot was introduced in this build; assuming "puzzles" with him use more level mechanics, is this somethign that you'd see as fun or annoying?
Out of curiosity, is there any new rewards you'd like to see be available on the Patreon reward tiers?
The Electric Cannon was introduced in this update; we'll be fixing its hitboxes for the ice shot so it's easier to stand on, but besides that, was there anything you'd like to see changed about it?
The background isn't done for the Electric Level yet (still needs to be animated/parallax scroll) but we wanted to know if you felt it looked cool or not so far.
Something you may not have noticed is that Talia's shot actually fades away as of v021 after 75% of a screen length; we did this because we didn't want her shots traveling full screen to damage enemies across the level. We're considering reducing the distance even more to about 60% of the screen, as a test, in v022. Would this be interesting to you or annoying?
One thing we're on the fence about is a rare, but possible problem for cutscenes; enemies can follow you into a cutscene, and thus exist on screen during it. We've got three potential solutions to this, so let us know which would be the "best" to you in regards to your immersion/experience within the game.
Another change we're highly considering making is NOT freezing the game world when you read a databank; this means enemies COULD hit you out of reading one. We would do this as more incentive to kill enemies, since you need to read the gold databanks to get the true ending to the game.
The spiderbot had his shots changed drastically in v020-v021 so they would orbit you, then be easily able to be destroyed or frozen right in front of you instead of zooming in on you relentlessly; do you like the new change?
We're highly likely going to remove all delay from the Ice Shot and make it the same "delay" as Talia's normal shot. Is this something you'd prefer?
Regarding the Boss Charge shots, is there anything that feels unintuitive or unfun about them? (You can use these by holding down the charge shot button long enough to see circles around you, it uses one mana bar, there's a Fire and an Ice version based on what powerup you have selected using A/S keys)
The Electric Level utility ability you gain from the boss will be one of two things; either a double jump that you can do in mid air, or a super jump that you can only do on the ground. Which would you prefer?
Speaking of special abilities, we're highly considering the Earth Level utility ability to be a "ground pound" of sorts that would very quickly drop you down to the ground, causing an area of effect damage burst around you as well. Does this sound cool or would you prefer something else?
As always, we really appreciate your support and feedback, so if there's any extra notes you'd like to say, please let us know here!