When you play the game in Fullscreen mode, do you experience any issues at all?
You can select multiple options; if you do experience issues, please check "yes" and then write in "other" what your issues are that you experience.
Speaking of bugs, did you find any in general with anything?
If you didn't, feel free to skip this question, but if you did, please be as detailed as possible, so we can find out what's causing it :)
We changed the colors of the minimap subtly in this build; now Talia's dot is light blue, with the doorways a bit brighter. Did you like this change or dislike it?
Speaking of voice acting, was the actual quality of the voice acting good enough that it improved the game's experience/quality for you?
If there were any scenes in particular that you really liked or really disliked, please let us know by checking the appropriate option and then telling us in "other" also!
Are the robotic filters on some voice acting for some enemies cool, annoying, or are you indifferent about it?
If there were any scenes in particular that you really liked or really disliked, please let us know by checking the appropriate option and then telling us in "other" also!
Going back to functionality stuff, we put in a new setup this time around for automatic lighting adjustment; if your computer can't take advanced lighting, the message "your lighting quality was lowered automatically" should appear. Did you get this message at any time?
If you picked "yes, during normal gameplay", please let us know where approximately you were at in the "other" section.
In this last box, feel free to tell us or ask us anything you'd like, we appreciate any and all feedback! Thanks for supporting us as always :)