Will you be available to attend Alternatives in Washington DC from July 29th-Aug 3rd?
Will you need any assistance? If so, please list what you need assistance with. SPECIAL NOTE: PARTICIPANTS ARE REQUIRED TO PAY FOR THEIR OWN FEES. This question is to help as we look for Sponsors to cover Arts related activities.
Why do you want to be a part of the Arts Committee?
What skills, experiences, talents, etc are you able to contribute as a member of the Arts Committee?
I acknowledge as a member of the Arts Committee for Alternatives 2018, I understand if chosen for this committee that I am joining voluntarily and no payment will be given as a result of participation. I also understand that I am accountable for paying for my own way, lodging, registration fee and other fees that may arise.
In the space below, please list what time and days are best for Conference Calls.