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Email Address
Product Name
Partner Type
Opportunity Type
Product Patent Status
If your product has a patent number, patent application number or Trademark, please provide all the information below
New Concept or Product Idea (Please briefly describe your ideas - limit to 1,000 words)
Are you the sole owner of your concept/product idea?
If you are NOT the sole owner of your concept/product idea, please provide the names and contact information for the other parties
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I acknowledge that the disclosure to Creche Innovations is being made on a NON-CONFIDENTIAL basis (i.e., I am only submitting non-confidential information) and that no confidentiality obligations whatsoever are created or implied by submitting this opportunity to Creche Innovations.

I acknowledge that I am not relying upon Creche Innovations in any way whatsoever for legal advice, including (but not limited to) advice concerning the protection of my submission. I acknowledge that no relationship or other obligation between myself and Creche Innovations is being created by the submission of this opportunity.