1. What is your age range?
2. Gender:

3. How often do you pay bills online in Nigeria?

4. Are you familiar with cryptocurrencies in Nigeria?

5. Have you used cryptocurrency for any financial transactions in Nigeria before?

6. What types of bills do you typically pay online in Nigeria? (Select all that apply)

7. How important is security to you when paying bills online in Nigeria?

8. Would you consider using a cryptocurrency bill payment app like "BillStore" if it offered high-level security features, low transaction fees, and fast processing times compared to traditional payment methods in Nigeria?

9. What features or benefits related to security, low transaction fees, and fast processing time would you expect from a cryptocurrency bill payment app like "BillStore" specifically in Nigeria?

10. Do you have any concerns or reservations about using cryptocurrency for bill payments in Nigeria, especially in terms of security, transaction fees, or processing time?

11. Would you be more likely to use "BillStore" if it offered rewards or cashback for using cryptocurrency to pay bills in Nigeria?

12. What other payment methods do you currently use for bill payments in Nigeria?

13. On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to try out "BillStore" if it were available today, with 1 being not likely at all and 10 being extremely likely, considering the Nigerian context and the emphasis on security, low transaction fees, and fast processing time?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
