Section 1: General Business Information
1. What is the size of your business?
3. How long has your business been operating?
5. Do you use any software to manage your business operations?
Section 3: Marketing and Customer Acquisition
7. What are your biggest challenges in acquiring new customers? (Select all that apply)
9. Do you find it challenging to track the success of your marketing campaigns?
Section 4: Technology and Automation
10. What technological challenges does your business face? (Select all that apply)
11. Which areas of your business would benefit most from automation? (Select all that apply)
12. Have you considered using AI or machine learning solutions to improve your business processes?
Section 5: Customer Service and Retention
13. What are the biggest challenges you face in customer service? (Select all that apply)
14. Do you currently use any customer relationship management (CRM) tools?
17. Do you use any financial software to manage your business finances?
18. If yes, what are the limitations of the current financial software you use?
Section 7: Business Growth and Strategy
19. What obstacles do you face when trying to scale your business? (Select all that apply)
Section 8: Future Needs and Feedback
21. What tools or solutions do you wish were available to help you run your business more efficiently?
22. How willing are you to invest in new software or tools if they can solve your business challenges?
23. Any additional comments or feedback on the specific challenges you're currently facing?